Lienzo - Mexico

Lienzo was founded in 2012 in order to provide the local talent with a place to develop and fulfill their creativity. The studio began working on various small projects, a lot of them under contracts, for different companies and events, including food chains and museums.

By the end of 2014, the studio decided it was time to move forward to new, bigger, and original projects. Everyone at Lienzo realized it was a risky move, but wanted to create something that was their own. Lienzo began laying the groundwork for their biggest project to date and began planning of a video game based on the Tarahumara indigenous tribe that lives in northern Mexico. The name of the game is Mulaka and the studio pursued funding for over a year, doing everything from networking events, pitching to investors, and even a Kickstarter. Meanwhile, a couple of members of the studio began work on a platforming game that would become what we now know as Hunter's Legacy, the first Lienzo game to be released to the public.

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Embark on the journey of a Tarahumara shaman!

Dive into northern Mexico's breathtaking landscapes with Mulaka, a 3D action-adventure game based on the rich indigenous culture of the Tarahumara. Renowned for their impressive running abilities, embark on the journey of a Sukurúame - a Tarahumara shaman - as you fight back the foulness corrupting the land, while drawing upon the powers of demigods. From solving puzzles in environments inspired by real Sierra Tarahumara locations, to heated hand-to-hand combat with creatures pulled from the region’s mythology, find out why the Tarahumara have earned a reputation for being superhumans.

Explore this game’s official site